Basically at the moment, I can only speak in the name of the Triple Gem, in the name of the Buddha of Infinite Light, that the ex-ceo of the Buddhist Lodge(as well as her nephew whom she employed, who was silently allowed to remain for months after she resigned) engages in such superstition relentlessly and consciously with absolute impenitence and shamelessness (even now) in order to silently sow discord between others to secretly destroy the originally peaceful, harmonious serene atmosphere in the lodge, and she, together with her former lackeys still holding employment within the Buddhist Lodge, makes full and conscious use of the cowardice of that librarian to perpetrate her selfish motives to slander, blaspheme and/or confuse the genuinely moral, upright and virtuous. (Yes, she belongs to the group called icchantikas who are hell-bent on exploiting the label of Buddhism to destroy all kinds of virtuous roots for worldly self-gain, and Singaporeans should begin to be educated t...