
Showing posts from June, 2018
所以淨韡本佛子才會一直強調本國供奉佛中之王阿彌陀佛的佛教居士林的帶頭者,絕對不能心術不正居心不良言念無實表裡不一,否則肯定影響到國內的政治風氣。而該居士林的一對帶頭者,到底是正還是不正,是善還是不善,請 知言者 到該居士林官方網站視頻親眼看看親耳聽聽他們說的話是不是正代表了孟子在此文中提到的四種有害思想,自己去做判斷,或許答案根本不難得到。 因果循環果報不爽,該說的本人也說了,其他一切就看天命吧(因為「 小人不知天命而不畏也,狎大人,侮聖人之言 」,居士林的最高掌權者果真有這樣不畏天命的小人之心的話,當然是人神共憤的事,佛菩薩也不喜,在視頻裡談使命又有什麼用呢?)。 阿彌陀佛。

How The Singapore Buddhist Lodge and MIW threaten & trying to remove citizens power are related

In the words of LTK during one of his speeches in the GE2011 campaigning rally: "you repent when you have committed a terrible sin". miw cannot ever understand, right? It saddens me to still have to resort to this kind of reproof and exposé on Vesak Day itself, but as a citizen with human birth rights which has been violated by the miws all my life, and as a rightful lifelong member of the Singapore Buddhist Lodge, and also to accord LTK the respect as a buddhist himself that he indeed speaks the truth to the people, and because i have had more than enough of the unmerited psychic warfare this lhl regime has directed at me since I was born DESPITE my wounded soul(this is the most deplorable violation of human rights EVER in this world), I am really left with no choice but to explicitly and directly reprove the dishonesty of the late lodge president, when he accused LTK of having ulterior motives during GE2011 on cooling off day in wanbao & shinmin article, when HE HIMS...

The role of the MSM with regard to the blatant moral corruption in Sg Buddhist Lodge from c2012-2016

By now it should be an open secret to any discerning member of the public w a sound mind in Singapore, that the ruling white party controls the mainstream media to feign a semblance of democracy and responsible free speech. If any news that were to run on the MSM is actual detrimental to the reputation of the ruling establishment(so that their votes in the next GE would be clearly affected adversely), the news will be hidden and any dissenters and potential whistleblowers silenced through intimidation or otherwise. this is their corrupted meaning of "responsible journalism" and "fair and just reporting". One of those most important hidden news, is the BLATANT inversion of morality and the abuse of power and breach of trust within the Singapore buddhist lodge from around 2012-2016. So if u analyse in retrospect, since msm has remained perfectly silent during this period, u can deduce that the inversion in morality and the resulting silent chaos and mind-intimidatio...
"Because some men aren't looking for anything logical, like money. They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn." 孟子曰:「有天爵者,有人爵者。仁義忠信,樂善不倦,此天爵也;公卿大夫,此人爵也。古之人,修其天爵,而人爵從之。 今之人,修其天爵,以要人爵。 既得人爵,而棄其天爵,則惑之甚者也, 終亦必亡而已矣。 」 孟子曰:「仁之勝不仁也,猶水勝火。 今之為仁者,猶以一杯水救一車薪之火也; 不熄 , 則謂之水不勝火。 此又與於不仁之甚者也, 亦終必亡而已矣 ! 」 ( 佛教乃救世之仁 ,佛教居士林本來就該是代表 安宅與正路 的有道之場, 居然蛻變為靜靜懷有「此又與於不仁之甚者也」的不正之見在林內蔓延, 還敢宣稱在弘揚護持正法 ,果真有此罪,大家認為林內明知故犯的不善者 得自負的因果能想象嗎? ) Next up, i feel that at this point of time, there is a very urgent need to detail and expose the kind of subtle mind-control that the ruling makes use of the mainstream media to gear votes towards them, and, if what i say is true, then there is nothing which can get more despicable, because this makes use of the name of #Buddhism for selfish political motives: By now, singaporeans who have awakened, should more or less understand the "lky effect" during GE2015. But there is an even more insi...

Dishonesty, blatant false speech and intrusion of lodge member's rights by ex-ceo lapdog

「觀處知其愚,不施而廣求,所墮無道智,往往有惡行。」 「過罪未熟,愚以恬惔,至其熟處,自受大罪。 」 「愚所望處,不謂適苦,臨墮厄地,乃知不善。 」 ---《法句經》(Dhammapada) 「上士聞道,勤而行之。中士聞道,若存若亡。下士聞道, 大笑之。 不笑不足以為道。」 ---《道德經》 子曰:「星之昭昭,不若月之曀曀; 小事之成,不若大事之廢。 君子之非,賢於小人之是也。 」 廢了造福人群體恤貧民之仁德的大事,假佛教與正法的標籤,行 拘於撐門面的小節與頒發典禮形式而捨本逐末 之實, 讓居士林內蛻變為只有小人求諸人的 惡氣窈冥 , 這難道可能是任何佛教居士林的宗旨嗎?既然不是,為何無法在林內守死善道,反而一味固執己見趨炎附勢,明明就是勢服人還敢裝成理服人?能給林友一個合理的交代嗎? 孟子曰:「天下有道,以道殉身。 天下無道,以身殉道。 未聞以道殉乎人者也。 」( 尤其是在三寶殿的有道之場 行政處內, 怎麼能「以道殉乎人者」呢! ) 「論性不論氣,不備; 論氣不論性, 不明 。二之則不是。」--《近思錄》卷二第三十條 (陳嘉庚說過:「天下興亡,匹夫有責; 身家可以犧牲,是非 不可 不明 」,目前該居士林已蛻變為 「論氣不論性,不明」的局面 ,難道堂堂三寶殿有道之場內部深處 是非不明也不必對症下藥 , 明知故犯放任其自由發展 , 氣勢天下最龐大 但性質是不明的 , 那念無量光佛幹什麼 ,不是在 靜靜誹謗佛中之王阿彌陀佛 嗎? ) 「你們不要參與那些屬黑暗結不出善果的事,反而要把那些事揭露出來。」 ---《聖經》以弗所書5:11 孟子曰:「言無實, 不祥 。不祥之實, 蔽賢者當之! 」 "Let not any one pacify his conscience by the delusion that he can do no harm if he takes no part, and forms no opinion. Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing. " --- John Stuart Mill When the ex-ceo of ...

Why I have no choice but to expose SBL moral corruption publicly instead of settling internally

1. 上樑不正下樑歪。It is impossible that the one wielding the highest authority in the lodge is NOT aware of these unfruitful works of darkness, as if he himself didn't give the silent nod for all these to take place to begin with. Remember, he has direct affiliations with the MIWs and mainstream media personnel, and is a big shot with enough wealth and power to resort to defamation lawsuits if he wishes. Why the deafening silence? The expose here is to prove to the world that the workings of #karma are ultimately NOT subject to legalised corruption. 2. 子曰:「可與言,而不與之言,失人。不可與言而與言,失言。智者不失人,亦不失言。」孟子曰:「不仁者,可與言哉?安其危而利其菑,樂其所以亡者。不仁而可與言,則何亡國敗家之有?...」 Based off the fruits that have manifested these few years in our political scene, how the dissatisfaction of the citizens on the ground have increased, and judging from how they chose to remain silent over my head injury incident, and over everything that I have posted here, I can be certain that the one holding the highest legal authority within th...

Moral Integrity of the current resident abbot in the Buddhist Lodge

If what I have detailed about the lodge in my previous posts are all truth instead of libel, then the moral integrity of the present abbot, who conducts classes on Pure Land Buddhism in the lodge, naturally comes to question in everyone's minds. At this point of time, I do not wish to go into detail about this monk, since it is indeed inappropriate to criticize him directly here as I need to take full responsibility for all that I type and post here, but just hope for members of the public to understand clearly that from my accounts in all my previous posts, there are indeed hypocrites within the SBL “big family” silently engaging in the unfruitful works of darkness LINKED TO THE MIWs IN SECRECY, even though there are still a handful of honest gentlemen within the lodge staff and exco community who do not have the final say in decision making and authority over the HR(the outgoing senior executive manager who resigned after February this year, is such a righteous gentleman), and th...

Injustice within the lodge and how the cowardly lodge librarian has been mind-controlled by the MIW

"Tolerance of intolerance is cowardice ." I can explain the reason for the deafening silence so far: it can only mean that what I have alleged in all my previous posts here are in fact the irrefutable truth, because giving how these mind-despots are wealthy and powerful enough to possess a retinue of spying eyes using technology or the occult or a mixture of both, to seize the chance to engage in legal suits to salvage their so-called reputation, it is quite IMPOSSIBLE that the current Buddhist Lodge "boss" with the highest legal authority, is unaware of all these posts. So far, there have been no verbal nor written warnings directed against me, just horrendous spiritual warfare, which i use the recitation of the Buddha's name and the Surangama Mantra to protect my shattered soul from. What I can be very sure is this: if the ex-ceo of the Buddhist Lodge were still in power, I will almost certainly receive threats of legal prosecution via verbal warning to my ...

For the religious only: channeling of spirits/white magic witchcraft superstition WITHIN the SBL

Basically at the moment, I can only speak in the name of the Triple Gem, in the name of the Buddha of Infinite Light, that the ex-ceo of the Buddhist Lodge(as well as her nephew whom she employed, who was silently allowed to remain for months after she resigned) engages in such superstition relentlessly and consciously with absolute impenitence and shamelessness (even now) in order to silently sow discord between others to secretly destroy the originally peaceful, harmonious serene atmosphere in the lodge, and she, together with her former lackeys still holding employment within the Buddhist Lodge, makes full and conscious use of the cowardice of that librarian to perpetrate her selfish motives to slander, blaspheme and/or confuse the genuinely moral, upright and virtuous. (Yes, she belongs to the group called icchantikas who are hell-bent on exploiting the label of Buddhism to destroy all kinds of virtuous roots for worldly self-gain, and Singaporeans should begin to be educated t...

Do the common people even want their power back from the MIW at all or not??

Singaporeans KPKB about how they want PAP out of power especially near elections, but never for once have they collectively succeeded in kicking sissy moral scumbag loong out of power; now comes the Buddhist Lodge exposé which is effectively the MOST IMPORTANT MORAL THREAT to PAP's power , and ppl kinda refuse to acknowledge the truth with unanimity, and remain so silent because they can't be certain what I exposed is indeed the truth? (Not that I didnt expect this kind of silence by the way) This is the very kind of mindset which keeps the MIW in power you know, because PAP feeds upon the fear, uncertainty and lack of knowledge of its daft citizens, day after day, especially since 221284! Basically I have exposed all that is necessary right here for now, but even today, the president of the lodge(who wields the highest and actual legal authority and decision-making powers there) apparently still wants to pretend nothing serious has happened , or waiting for another opport...

Why I do have the right to reveal the true colours of the “revered” late president of the SBL

“You only have power over people as long as you don't take everything away from them. But when you've robbed a man of everything, he's no longer in your power—he's free again.” 1. Because this is the fundamental right of a citizen to be able to exercise freedom of speech with responsibility. And keeping silent out of fear has more long term adverse ramifications and implications for the buddhist community worldwide at large , than choosing to voice out fearlessly. (Remaining silent and succumbing to fear and social tyranny instead of exposing the truth, happens also to be detrimental to my own mental wellbeing, because it adversely affects the recovery of my shattered human soul which no blameless and honest human ever deserved, and am awaiting spiritual redemption and justice after all my unmerited mental torture all these 3.5 decades) 2. To the commoner in the street, he is just like any other person who attained his position supposedly due to his virtue and eff...

Why it is not wrong to expose the misdeeds of the SBL ex-CEO

《弟子規》(Standards for Being a Good Student and Child)has the following saying: 「揚人惡,即是惡;疾之甚,禍且作」("Publicizing other people's shortcomings is in itself evil. People hate it very much, and troubles arise"), so why am I doing this? Buddhists should let go and mind their own path also, so why do I find it an absolute necessity for this exposé?  The reason is simple: 孟子曰:「無惻隱之心,非人也;無羞惡之心,非人也;無辭讓之心,非人也;無是非之心,非人也。」 (Mencius says, "Without a heart of sympathy, it is not human; without a heart of shame, it is not human; without a heart of yielding and longsuffering, it is not human; Without a heart of discernment and knowing right and wrong, it is not human.") Because the ex-CEO basically simply does NOT possess the qualities of a genuine human heart (but outwardly feigns these qualities to trick the feelings of unsuspecting buddhists***), but rather that of the Jezebel Spirit , which simply means she is an icchantika deliberately going against the moral good of human...