Why it is not wrong to expose the misdeeds of the SBL ex-CEO

《弟子規》(Standards for Being a Good Student and Child)has the following saying: 「揚人惡,即是惡;疾之甚,禍且作」("Publicizing other people's shortcomings is in itself evil. People hate it very much, and troubles arise"), so why am I doing this? Buddhists should let go and mind their own path also, so why do I find it an absolute necessity for this exposé?

 The reason is simple: 孟子曰:「無惻隱之心,非人也;無羞惡之心,非人也;無辭讓之心,非人也;無是非之心,非人也。」(Mencius says, "Without a heart of sympathy, it is not human; without a heart of shame, it is not human; without a heart of yielding and longsuffering, it is not human; Without a heart of discernment and knowing right and wrong, it is not human.")

Because the ex-CEO basically simply does NOT possess the qualities of a genuine human heart(but outwardly feigns these qualities to trick the feelings of unsuspecting buddhists***), but rather that of the Jezebel Spirit, which simply means she is an icchantika deliberately going against the moral good of humanity by exploiting the name of Buddhism to silently advance the political motives of the Party Against People ruling government founded upon the love of money. It simply means you probably cannot find anyone else in the world more shameless than her(because outwardly, she always tried to act civil and benevolent, her words are smooth as butter, but war is in her heart(Psalm 55:21), and most importantly, she is doing this consciously IN THE NAME OF AMITABHA BUDDHA, THE BUDDHA OF INFINITE LIGHT AND LIFE HIMSELF!), and such blasphemous creatures cannot be considered human. And those with enough spiritual knowledge should understand that until the Jezebel Spirit is fully and permanently purged from such evildoers, people like the ex-CEO have such an unbelievably vengeful, vindictive and shameless heart that even if u resign from the lodge, and are no longer her employee, and even AFTER she has resigned from the lodge, she still does not want to let her victims under her spiritual oppression off. I could have recited the Buddha's name and minded my own path, but due to my spiritual wound of the soul which I have described earlier, as long as she is not put to justice under the law(or rather, until she is punished directly by God(Revelations 2:22), since she is perfectly safe as long as the leegime is still in power), it will always remain detrimental to my mental well-being and spiritual recovery. Therefore, she is in truth a spiritual mastermind in directly violating and intruding my human rights almost constantly via unseen psychic warfare, even though outwardly she does not seem to be doing me any direct harm. This is absolutely unconscionable. I mean, how many people are able to see her true colours in such detail and are sure she is indeed such a wicked and impenitent person? Well, I do, and I dare to speak this in the name of the Triple Gem, the Buddha of Infinite Light, and also God the Lord of Hosts.

If what I have said is true, why is the President of the Buddhist Lodge protecting her from bearing the brunt of the law, in the name of "forbearance" and "compassion"? And if what I said is falsehood, why the deafening silence all this while?

Next, newspaper reports keep saying that she resigned to "avoid conflict of interest and to take care of her terminally ill mother". Fair enough, but again, if what I have described about her is indeed the truth, she has ALREADY committed misdeeds no different from criminal breach of trust, and why is she using her mother's sickness to milk empathy from the public anyway, as if it could magically portray her as a filial daughter? Even Mencius has said that if the someone does not at all possess the qualities of a human heart which I have quoted above, then he or she will be unable to care for their parents with filial piety. How accurate the timeless teaching of ancient sages like Mencius is, and how karma does not even spare people well-versed in the practice of deception, lying, and occult secrets! If not for her ailing kin who was in terminally ill stage, do you think she would have resigned, if we now know that the powers that be and the President of the Lodge wanted to protect her as far as possible? If she really were a normal human who believes in karma, retribution and repentance and truly cared for her mother, would she have resorted to all these deliberate misdeeds in the buddhist lodge which will eventually bring shame to herself and her family?(「仁則榮,不仁則辱」) Would she have secretly allowed her lackeys still employed in the lodge to continue slighting me with silent discrimination and contempt(and therefore violating my human rights as well, as that of a rightful lifelong lodge member), to the point that they were intent on downplaying my head injury in the lodge on 22 Dec 2017 to make others think that I deserved to be hit?

***Examples of how she tricks the feelings of unsuspecting Buddhists:

1. Appearing righteous to gain the trust of honest people, only to silently backstab them later. For instance, when I directly voiced out to her the undesirable and immoral behaviour of one of the staff, she pretended to be receptive to my views and appeared to take the necessary steps to make me think that they do possess moral integrity, only for me to find out eventually that this particular staff was her own lackey in her practice of favouritism.(This spells absolute dishonesty in a buddhist organisation and is unconscionable, NO EXCUSES. People may expect this kind of office politics in other workplaces, but this is a BUDDHIST organization with many Buddha statues and images in the admin office!)

2. Playing cat and mouse game with employees---a. she could dismiss staff unjustly with immediate effect, then a couple of days later call them to return, then let them eventually resign again. b. she could use the month's salary to threaten a staff who did not perform to expectations to make the staff feel mistreated and frustrated, but subsequently gain the trust of the same staff again by assigning her a position in the exco.


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