Why I have no choice but to expose SBL moral corruption publicly instead of settling internally

1. 上樑不正下樑歪。It is impossible that the one wielding the highest authority in the lodge is NOT aware of these unfruitful works of darkness, as if he himself didn't give the silent nod for all these to take place to begin with. Remember, he has direct affiliations with the MIWs and mainstream media personnel, and is a big shot with enough wealth and power to resort to defamation lawsuits if he wishes. Why the deafening silence? The expose here is to prove to the world that the workings of #karma are ultimately NOT subject to legalised corruption.

2. 子曰:「可與言,而不與之言,失人。不可與言而與言,失言。智者不失人,亦不失言。」孟子曰:「不仁者,可與言哉?安其危而利其菑,樂其所以亡者。不仁而可與言,則何亡國敗家之有?...」
Based off the fruits that have manifested these few years in our political scene, how the dissatisfaction of the citizens on the ground have increased, and judging from how they chose to remain silent over my head injury incident, and over everything that I have posted here, I can be certain that the one holding the highest legal authority within the lodge IS INDEED SUCH A HYPOCRITE. the members of the public should remind themselves that this is not much different from a "buddhist" version of Kong Hee, but much more cunning, insidious and low profile. Do you think talking to hypocrites of this kind will result in an amicable resolution?

3. EXACTLY THREE YEARS ago TODAY, I was unjustly driven out of the lodge by the ex-ceo's nephew who reported me to the police. The ex-ceo lied to my mother that because I was disrupting the peace there which caused panic to the public that's why the police was called upon(this nephew even lied to the police that the lodge is someone's territory/property and I'm disrupting the peace there, when even the late president said it is a public place!!), when the truth was because the late president resorted to verbal abuse early in the morning when no one was around, and who even scolded, “罵你又怎樣”, after which i retaliated that his behaviour could be recorded and will adversely affect his image. it is common sense that I was driven out because I had offended him. Now, the current lodge president is a good friend and schoolmate of the late president, was ALSO in the exco DURING the tenure of the ex-ceo when her unreasonably high salary legalised corruption was approved by the previous exco(yes, talk about hidden conflict of interest), do you think it will help at all to communicate directly with him to resolve my conflict and redress my injustice internally, if even that staff I detailed in my previous post showed me that kind of condescending and shameless attitude? Right? What if he, like his good friend, cannot contain himself any longer and also resort to verbal abuse to use his authority to oppress me if he realises he is unable to reason with me? (勢服人心不然,理服人方無言)It has been a FULL THREE YEARS since that incident happened, I DO NOT WANT HISTORY TO REPEAT ITSELF. JUST ONCE IS ENOUGH A HARROWING EXPERIENCE.

4. Making use of lodge funds to employ staff with questionable character or even outright hypocrites----this is automatically breach of devotees' trust because the lodge fund DOES NOT BELONG TO THE LODGE PRESIDENT NOR THE TREASURER even if they hallucinate otherwise! Even the president himself remarked that every cent must be accountable to the public, so if the fact that he is someone who does not practise what he preaches has become self-evident, it is MY RESPONSIBILITY to convey the truth to the public instead of tolerating their lies day after day, which adversely affects my mental wellbeing, VIOLATING MY HUMAN AND CIVIL RIGHTS AS A RIGHTFUL CITIZEN. If the members of the lodge and public's voice are conveniently ignored, isn't this proof that the MIW has ALREADY taken the power away from the citizens???

5. The Singapore Buddhist Lodge is not the lodge president's company(he already owns a company by the way). It is a public place of worship which is supposed to serve the members of the public and the needy who have affinity with the Triple Gem, regardless of age, race and religion, therefore the public has the right to know firsthand of any immoral happenings there.

6. 「德者本也,財者末也。」This is a non-profit charity funded by charitable donations. HOW CAN THEY TURN IT AROUND AND USE THESE FUNDS TO KEEP UP APPEARANCES INSTEAD? The Building Fund shortfall is still several millions of dollars, why, instead of correcting their attitude to humbly attend to all members and devotees without silent discrimination, u get a shameless female staff among others which i detailed in my previous post, who are still using despicable psychic warfare in an attempt to stop me from going to the lodge? ISN'T EVERYONE SUPPOSED TO BE WELCOME THERE AT ALL TIMES!! This is ownself expose ownself isn't it?

If they STILL stubbornly in their hearts want to resort to legal action, then be forewarned that Heaven has eyes, and you cannot cheat #karma, because I will not hesitate to reveal further hidden truths as to why MY injustice alone directly affects justice everywhere else in this nation AND BEYOND. I resigned on 25 January 2014 after working there for about 5 months precisely because of the terrible politics within. And exactly three years later, the ex-ceo herself had no choice but to resign too(even though the lodge president in his heart actually wanted to protect her and allow her to stay. Proof: Zaobao article 1 December 2016. Just look at the photo in that article). If this isn't the impartial workings of #karma how do you explain it?

Speaking all these fearlessly in the name of the Triple Gem and the Buddha of Infinite Light and Life, and also the King of gods the Lord of Hosts.

天作孽猶可違 自作孽不可活


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