For the religious only: channeling of spirits/white magic witchcraft superstition WITHIN the SBL

Basically at the moment, I can only speak in the name of the Triple Gem, in the name of the Buddha of Infinite Light, that the ex-ceo of the Buddhist Lodge(as well as her nephew whom she employed, who was silently allowed to remain for months after she resigned) engages in such superstition relentlessly and consciously with absolute impenitence and shamelessness(even now) in order to silently sow discord between others to secretly destroy the originally peaceful, harmonious serene atmosphere in the lodge, and she, together with her former lackeys still holding employment within the Buddhist Lodge, makes full and conscious use of the cowardice of that librarian to perpetrate her selfish motives to slander, blaspheme and/or confuse the genuinely moral, upright and virtuous. (Yes, she belongs to the group called icchantikas who are hell-bent on exploiting the label of Buddhism to destroy all kinds of virtuous roots for worldly self-gain, and Singaporeans should begin to be educated that there are indeed such scumbags in our society who are no longer fit to be called humans, shamelessly taking unmerited pleasure in the misery and discomfort of the honest and kind every single day.(Proverbs 4:16)) This is exactly why I do not do myself and other normal humans any justice if I continue to remain silent about these low-profile but most pernicious traitors of humanity, because these are things which matter the most if we really want a gracious and harmonious society in Singapore. 

This is the main reason why I cannot give any respect to the current President of the Lodge holding office: He would rather protect this ex-CEO, her nephew and her lackeys, rather than ensure that justice and impartiality is restored within the lodge. This is the most serious breach of trust ever committed, since he cannot possibly have the cake and eat it too! 

(Please everyone, "new age" books teaching superstitious heresies like astral travel, past-life regression techniques, psychic energy-channeling, white magic, astrology, wicca, "spirit guides" and the like(not forgetting all the Harry Potter books which indoctrinate readers at a subliminal level with actual witchcraft terms under the guise of fiction and fantasy), are all LEEGALLY sold in bookstores here, don't pretend such superstitions do not exist and insist that I'm insane. This won't work anymore. If you committed sin in the Buddhist Lodge as a CEO by engaging in LEEgalised corruption, YOU BEAR ALL THE KARMIC CONSEQUENCES YOURSELF EVENTUALLY, NO ONE ELSE CAN SUFFER THE RETRIBUTION FOR YOU, THERE IS NO ESCAPE. Read Dhammapada Verse 127!)

P.S. As to how this ex-ceo of the lodge attained her "CEO" title devised by the late president, well, not only was this against the lodge's Constitution, it was also fully against the principles of meritocracy. She did NOT attain the title via merit at all. She was lacking in BOTH academic qualifications and admin sup work experience, also language wise she wasn't even proficient in English, and via all my accounts of the disturbing politics within the lodge, even though at first she was able to trick my feelings by making me think she was benevolent and hence got her position due to her virtuous, moral character, it turned out to be all a smokescreen for her shameless hypocrisy, equivocality, and silent involvement in the unfruitful works of darkness by loving and practising lying, all to silently help guard all the deplorable and immoral secrets of the MIWs and the leegime. Why must I detail all these to the public? Because from this we can deduce that if meritocracy doesn't even really exist in the Singapore Buddhist Lodge, a non-profit religious charity taken for granted by the public as a yardstick for the upholding of the highest moral integrity and authority, how can you then in turn expect meritocracy to be truly practised honestly in all other parts of our Singapore society in all fairness? 

Bottomline: The MIWs do NOT practise what they preach! Wake up Singaporeans!


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