Why I do have the right to reveal the true colours of the “revered” late president of the SBL

“You only have power over people as long as you don't take everything away from them. But when you've robbed a man of everything, he's no longer in your power—he's free again.”

1. Because this is the fundamental right of a citizen to be able to exercise freedom of speech with responsibility. And keeping silent out of fear has more long term adverse ramifications and implications for the buddhist community worldwide at large, than choosing to voice out fearlessly. (Remaining silent and succumbing to fear and social tyranny instead of exposing the truth, happens also to be detrimental to my own mental wellbeing, because it adversely affects the recovery of my shattered human soul which no blameless and honest human ever deserved, and am awaiting spiritual redemption and justice after all my unmerited mental torture all these 3.5 decades)

2. To the commoner in the street, he is just like any other person who attained his position supposedly due to his virtue and efforts. People thought his reputation was fully earned via his virtuous deeds, so they feel it simply isn't right to show him disrespect. But if this is not actually true but just an inauspicious smokescreen to hoodwink the whole world, I don't care how high his posthumous reputation is in the China Buddhist Circles, because if he isn't in actuality what he is purported and touted to be, then instead of succumbing to fear that bock guan has such great backing from a powerful country, it is instead the China Buddhist authorities who should also be made aware of the truth for the common good of humanity, right? After all, in a sacred Buddhist Lodge, he should have refrained from making political comments, and 以德行仁者王(lead via virtue with the true moral archetype of the king) instead of 以力假仁者霸(lead via pretentiousness and hypocrisy with the immoral archetype of the tyrant), so much so that he thought he was entitled to resort to verbal abuse just because no one in the world could do anything to him legally, right? It is instead those “buddhists” who succumb to the spirit of fear and cowardice who dared not expose his atrocities all along despite being consciously aware of the truth in the innermost recesses of their hearts, WHO SHOULD FEEL ASHAMED OF THEMSELVES.

3. The mainstream local buddhist community has been infiltrated by MIW for silent political motives, such that it has become taboo to criticise bock guan openly(since he held a very high post in the Singapore Buddhist Federation), despite clear anecdotal evidence of his immoral and unjust behaviour especially in the years after 2011. Just like the existence of CPIB doesnt automatically mean its key members are all incorruptible(one was charged and sentenced in 2014, right?).

4. Let the following quotes by John Stuart Mill explain it:

"If all mankind minus one, were of one opinion, and only one person were of the contrary opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person, than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind." (In this context, no buddhist who have known him in person except myself has ever dared to fearlessly expose bock guan publicly in detail as a hypocrite going against buddhist teachings in his heart, in other words, it can be presupposed that no one dares to hold a contrary opinion of bock guan apart from all the positive reports about him in local and overseas mainstream media.)

"...the opinion which it is attempted to suppress by authority may possibly be true. Those who desire to suppress it, of course deny its truth; but they are not infallible. They have no authority to decide the question for all mankind, and exclude every other person from the means of judging." 

(In this context, they have no authority to decide for all mankind to officially insist that bock guan was a devout Buddhist of exemplary conduct, if he was in actual fact a hypocrite with silent political motives aligned with the MIW. In other words, pap is not infallible even though its members tend to hallucinate they are everyday just because they become the wealthiest in the world by fattening themselves at the expense of its own citizens. They do understand that despite all their underhand despicable methods to gain votes, there is still no sure-win in elections, because every time when election period draws near, they will almost always pretend to respect the voices on the ground.)

5. The inhumane betrayal of trust, which is perfectly immoral, positively evil and against the buddhas' teachings. I used to have respect and trust in his authority as a religious leader in the buddhist community, but that trust was fully shattered in 2014. Imagine how it felt when you realised you have been silently lied to on such a magnitude, and how I had no human to turn to to truly voice my grievances back then!

6. Singapore Buddhist Lodge STILL has superstitious staff engaging in dishonesty and falsehood, and what's more, the president of the lodge(who is powerful and wealthy with links to MIW and lhl) silently condones them and entrusts them with important stuff, so with this big shot 大靠山 to back them, they don't care about their own attitude and demeanour because they think leegime will never fall and buddhist lodge is their iron ricebowl. if they get on my nerves further and continue to disrespect my rights there as a rightful lodge member by treating me with silent contempt, I'll have no choice but to name and shame. I really hope I dont need to go to that extent, hope #karma slaps these shameless 假正經 creatures directly before I have to resort and naming and shaming of employees. Because if even buddhist organisations here deal dishonestly, is it any wonder that the whole nation is sinking into absolute moral decadence? IRON RICEBOWL FOR HYPOCRITES WHILE THE MORAL AND RIGHTEOUS RESIGN IN DISAPPOINTMENT, not in the outside competitive business world, but in a non-profit buddhist organisation revering the Triple Gem? Hey tell me how this isn't misappropriation of lodge funds? Can anything get more ironic and shameful in this whole wide world? (By the way, this was generally how they conducted themselves when the ex-CEO was still in power and when the late president was still around: When the immoralities of the lackeys of the ex-CEO were exposed, they will say "Buddhists practise forbearance and compassion, give them a chance they need this job" to let them continue their sneaky undesirable ways, but when the righteous and moral do anything wrong for the ex-CEO to pick on them, they won't hesitate to dismiss them or force them to resign on their own. Is this in line with sound moral principles and Buddhist Teachings? Up till now, by still showing undeserved leniency to such lackeys, it simply proves that the president still refuses to get rid of the shadow of the ex-CEO reign fully, isn't it? So did he honour his promise to lodge members to change and improve the environment, or was he just paying lip service to those he claims he needs to answer to? Does he, as a chinese educated professional, not understand the meaning of「君子懷刑,小人懷惠」?) President of the Buddhist Lodge, you have your own company, so you also hallucinate buddhist lodge funds is your own company funds is it? Otherwise explain why you have total disregard for genuine moral integrity and behaviour of your paid staff there!


7. Finally, regarding the rebuilding fund shortfall itself, of around 13m SGD. The total cost was reported to be about 60m SGD, but why, after all these few years, is this remaining 13m SGD so hard to patch up? There is a very real karma behind this, and regardless of how incredulous the public finds this, it has got EVERYTHING to do with MY human rights in both my present and my past life, and my spiritual injustice and wounded shattered soul(invisible to the naked eye) which I was born with, a testmony of 德者本也,财者末也, that Heaven indeed has eyes, that karma is indeed not subject to legalised corruption, even if it needs to take decades to run a full course to vindicate and redress the spiritual injustice and unmerited mental torture of a righteous and blameless soul. Because at the other side of the globe, a shameless beastly murderer who managed to escape from the clutches of the law all these decades without even spending a day in jail, still owes his murdered victim's estate an amount which more or less tallies with the rebuilding fund shortfall of the lodge. (Whether this is association as causation on my part, or truly the inconceivable workings of cause and effect, we will leave it to time to prove.)

(Basically, if the President of the Lodge does NOT want to change his silently immoral ways of heading the organisation and to teach his staff to STOP silently discriminating against dissenters of the leegime without exception, but instead to improve and transform their work attitude and ethics to learn to become genuinely humble, just and courteous to visitors, members and devotees regardless of age, race and religion (well, by now it is really naive to expect him to change his 一不做二不休 inconspicious, blasphemous, 不仁 ways), then, UNLESS his cronies and acquaintances and extremely powerful people are willing to painfully part with some of their own riches to each contribute amounts in the tens of thousands or millions to patch up the shortfall, given the present way they are publicizing the donation crowdfunding, and given the haughty, self-righteous attitude of some of the staff, by now the writing is more or less on the wall-----it is basically virtually IMPOSSIBLE for them to solve the 13m SGD problem if things continue the way they are. (After all, regardless of all the superstitious beliefs they may have in their powerful secret circle, it is obvious his "god" lhl doesn't possess the power of creation to make money appear out of nowhere which could still be accounted for, isn't it?) Time will prove that all these aren't false, delusional nor slanderous speech.)

In any case, there has to be a reason why they are STILL hesitant to sue me NOR issue me with any formal warning, right? The reason cannot possibly be they are truly benevolent and “tolerant” of any deviant behaviour on my part, if my account of the ongoings of the moral corruption in the lodge in all my posts here is accurate. This is the secret which those engaging in the unfruitful works of darkness cannot reveal, since they are under some kind of superstitious spiritual silent oath, but my case is totally different as I am a buddhist with an absolutely clear conscience, not bound to any kind of such oaths, and am free to expose these works of darkness if and when it is timely to do so.


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