Do the common people even want their power back from the MIW at all or not??

Singaporeans KPKB about how they want PAP out of power especially near elections, but never for once have they collectively succeeded in kicking sissy moral scumbag loong out of power; now comes the Buddhist Lodge exposé which is effectively the MOST IMPORTANT MORAL THREAT to PAP's power, and ppl kinda refuse to acknowledge the truth with unanimity, and remain so silent because they can't be certain what I exposed is indeed the truth? (Not that I didnt expect this kind of silence by the way) This is the very kind of mindset which keeps the MIW in power you know, because PAP feeds upon the fear, uncertainty and lack of knowledge of its daft citizens, day after day, especially since 221284!

Basically I have exposed all that is necessary right here for now, but even today, the president of the lodge(who wields the highest and actual legal authority and decision-making powers there) apparently still wants to pretend nothing serious has happened, or waiting for another opportune moment to see to it that yet another round despicable psychic warfare will succeed in driving me out of the lodge. #enoughisenough. I cannot possibly show respect to someone like him who consciously engages in the unfruitful works of darkness because of his affiliations with the money-loving and money-worshipping MIW, but still wants to outwardly act gentlemanly and civilized to mislead unsuspecting Buddhists who happen to be acquainted with him. This is something no discerning human in his or her right mind needs to tolerate. Neither am I obliged to leave the Lodge simply because of powerful, "untouchable" hypocrites like him. The Singapore Buddhist Lodge does NOT belong to him, it is neither his company nor his property. He does not seem to understand that their RELENTLESS silent discrimination against lhl dissenters has finally caused blood to be shed in the lodge half a year ago, with the injustice of the victim, who also happens to be a rightful lifelong member of the lodge, simply left hanging mid-air yet to be redressed. IF THEY CANNOT EVEN RESPECT THE BASIC HUMAN RIGHTS OF ONE RIGHTEOUS BUDDHIST WHO IS A LIFELONG MEMBER OF THE LODGE, DO YOU THINK THIS PRESIDENT IS FIT TO REMAIN IN POWER TO OVERSEE THE RAISING OF THE REBUILDING FUND TO ACCOUNT FOR THE ≈13M SGD SHORTFALL?? And, if discerning readers already know the answer in their hearts that he is indeed UNFIT to continue remaining in power in the lodge(but is still able to only because he willingly chooses to hide behind lhl's skirt***), THEN WHAT MAKES THE MIW, WHO'D RATHER CONTINUE WITHOUT HESITATION TO CHOOSE TO PROTECT SUCH IMMORAL HYPOCRITES INSTEAD OF THE RIGHTS OF THE COMMON CITIZENS, THINK THAT THEY HAVE THE RIGHT TO THROW 20M SGD OF TAXPAYERS' MONEY FOR A SUMMIT ON THE PRETEXT OF WORLD PEACE, BUT CAN CLEARLY BE HELD ANYWHERE ELSE IN THE WORLD AT A MUCH LOWER COST(considering that Singapore was NOT even their first choice of preference)? KEEPING QUIET DOESNT MAKE THE TRUTH DISAPPEAR, YOU KNOW. Singaporeans really NEED to be able to think like this, BREAK the leegime's mind-control spell and overcome the spirit of fear, otherwise they cannot expect to use their collective votes to kick these moral scumbags out of power, neither can they expect the next GE results to be any less disappointing, ceteris paribus.

"Singaporeans get the government they deserve. I don't want to hear anymore complaints," but I KNOW VERY WELL now, that I NEVER deserved this government ever since i was BORN in my AMK hometown. It was thrown upon me against my will and basic human rights, and this is precisely why I now have the right and absolute moral authority to voice out the truth in such detail, to the deafening silence of everyone else, including that hopeless cowardly librarian who still chooses today to cover her ears BEFORE even I began to try speaking the truth to her. (If you want me to be blatantly frank, she possesses no genuine work ethics as an employee as well as a buddhist, with her total lack of moral discernment of right and wrong, and really deserves to be dismissed from her current job since she is perfectly all right with the ruling party and current status quo with all the half-truths and lies it has to offer to help her remain in deluded apathy with a false sense of security, stability, comfort and self-sufficiency ALL AT THE FULL EXPENSE AND SPIRITUAL ATTRITION OF THE HONEST, JUST, AND GENUINELY VIRTUOUS(granted no human is perfect, but such people DO exist, you know). [this is precisely why I kept saying she is the MOST MORALLY CULPABLE of all employees in Singapore, even though she clearly isn't the MOST WICKED.])

***As we can see from here, all these affirms the fact that lhl is INDEED a spiritual tyrant and soul despot pretending to outwardly practise democracy, since EVEN Buddhist Lodge elections to decide who is the President, have never been genuinely democratic(especially since Y2K, but this "fake democracy" within the lodge wasn't obvious then and the masses could be still be hoodwinked by the MSM unlike right now where it has become glaringly blatant to the discerning, due to the inconceivable workings of karma), and has to receive the silent approval from lhl! Genuine buddhists, therefore, need to spiritually show soul despot lhl that we are NO PUSHOVERS and we do POSSESS the SPIRITUAL AUTHORITY and MORAL RIGHT to address and eradicate all forms of blasphemous spiritual tyranny to restore true democracy and moral integrity within the lodge, because this is the ONLY correct way to truly regain the former confidence and trust of the public, devotees and members of the lodge!


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