Dishonesty, blatant false speech and intrusion of lodge member's rights by ex-ceo lapdog

「過罪未熟,愚以恬惔,至其熟處,自受大罪。 」
「愚所望處,不謂適苦,臨墮厄地,乃知不善。 」




「論性不論氣,不備;論氣不論性,不明。二之則不是。」--《近思錄》卷二第三十條 (陳嘉庚說過:「天下興亡,匹夫有責;身家可以犧牲,是非不可不明」,目前該居士林已蛻變為「論氣不論性,不明」的局面,難道堂堂三寶殿有道之場內部深處是非不明也不必對症下藥明知故犯放任其自由發展氣勢天下最龐大但性質是不明的那念無量光佛幹什麼,不是在靜靜誹謗佛中之王阿彌陀佛嗎?



"Let not any one pacify his conscience by the delusion that he can do no harm if he takes no part, and forms no opinion. Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing."
--- John Stuart Mill

When the ex-ceo of the buddhist lodge resigned dishonorably, she did not repent her misdeeds(the religious can refer to Revelation 2:21) even though she was spared from legal prosecution(if you read the newspaper reports in Jan 2017, not a single word of apology from her to the public during her resignation). A number of her lackeys were given free reign to silently continue the immoral ways of the ex-ceo(which resulted in the mass exodus of staff and volunteers by 2013, stop denying this), endorsed by the ones with the highest legal authority within the lodge, thinking nobody would really notice. In other words, the lodge president IN HIS HEART would rather trust someone loyal to the ex-ceo rather than entrust the important stuff to someone who is truly moral and upright. In other words, the past favoritism and disgusting office politics practised by the ex-ceo has NOT YET been purged, due to the silent nod of the lodge president. The reason why this practice has to be exposed and cannot be tolerated, is because my fundamental rights as a rightful lodge member has just been intruded and trampled upon by one of the ex-ceo's lapdogs yesterday evening, and favoritism of this kind automatically means justifying the wicked and condemning the just; and if they cannot accord me the basic respect as a rightful lodge member, but continue to silently discriminate against me and treat me as dirt just because I had been unjustly driven out by the police back in June 2015, then how on earth are they going to truly restore the trust of the public, devotees and members, to convince them that they have improved upon their internal HR management? (To be absolutely fair, not everyone in the exco are hypocrites. In fact, I have had the honour to communicate with 2 gentlemen within the lodge exco, one of whom happen to be one of the 2 vice-presidents, who were clearly kept unawares of my head injury and unjust treatment in the lodge, for obvious reasons)

The injustice goes back to 22 December 2017, when my head was assaulted and injured within the lodge library which required immediate medical attention and stitches, but the above lapdog in question did not report the case to the police on the scene, but allowed the one who performed the criminal act of violence to leave the lodge. When I made a police report, the police did not go to the lodge to investigate the case either even though there was ample cctv evidence of the crime. Until now, no satisfactory explanation was given to me by the lodge president as to why those who know about this incident refuse to serve me the necessary justice by making the criminal responsible for his own actions. (Buddhists always teach that you're responsible for your own actions, right? You cannot say, "the devil made me do it", right? [even if that day happened to be EXACTLY 33 years after lhl entered politics, at around 10.30am !!]) Mind you, the safety of a lodge member was compromised and his civil rights violated in this manner. Due to office politics and actual politics in the nation, these hypocrites engaging in the unfruitful works of darkness probably think that my case can be downplayed "because I deserved to be hit anyway", but if they cannot even ensure the safety of just one rightful lodge member, how can they dream to regain the trust of other members and the masses then??

The lapdog who intruded my rights in question last evening with her horrible condescending, lying, nonchalant "I have the unconditional trust of the lodge president what can you do to me" shameless, sneering, 狗眼看人低 attitude(and she is not the only one there who possesses this kind of attitude, ALL other lackeys of the ex-ceo behave exactly the same self-righteous manner, including a hypocritical old woman doing payroll and money matters who used to work under the ex-ceo, resigned a few years ago but sneakily returned during the later part of last year---obviously if the lodge president did not approve would she have DARED to return), ironically happens to be one in charge of receiving donations for the educational fund. Recently, leaflets asking for educational fund donations were printed out and circulated, and her name is printed on it. If the donators knew the kind of hypocritical and shameless attitude she possesses, they would definitely abandon the idea of donating to such an organisation which for some reason, political or otherwise, simply refuses to genuinely begin to practice genuine ethics and impartiality in its HR. This is no different from the one at the very top silently abusing his authority and betraying the trust of the public since he is just paying lip service to them when he promised to account to the lodge members with regard to improving the environment and restoring their trust.

If the authorities in our country were really just, fair and impartial, shameless staff like her wouldn't have been able to remain employed in the lodge for so long, therefore I have not gone out of point with regard to this thread, that even in the Buddhist Lodge, there is ample evidence to prove that the MIWs are indeed trying to take away the citizens' power and violate their civil rights.

Still want to vote them somemore, brainwashed daft citizens?


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