How The Singapore Buddhist Lodge and MIW threaten & trying to remove citizens power are related

In the words of LTK during one of his speeches in the GE2011 campaigning rally: "you repent when you have committed a terrible sin". miw cannot ever understand, right?

It saddens me to still have to resort to this kind of reproof and exposé on Vesak Day itself, but as a citizen with human birth rights which has been violated by the miws all my life, and as a rightful lifelong member of the Singapore Buddhist Lodge, and also to accord LTK the respect as a buddhist himself that he indeed speaks the truth to the people, and because i have had more than enough of the unmerited psychic warfare this lhl regime has directed at me since I was born DESPITE my wounded soul(this is the most deplorable violation of human rights EVER in this world), I am really left with no choice but to explicitly and directly reprove the dishonesty of the late lodge president, when he accused LTK of having ulterior motives during GE2011 on cooling off day in wanbao & shinmin article, when HE HIMSELF was the one harbouring political motives as a religious leader, and also to expose the FACT that the ex-ceo of the buddhist lodge is in truth an icchantika who will NEVER repent her misdeeds(she resorted to involuntary hypnosis mind-control techniques 強制性催眠術 upon staff and volunteers, in an insidiously silent bid to sow discord in the buddhist lodge big family, ultimately resulting in a mass exodus of devotees and staff, for selfish personal gains and to protect the ugly, deplorable secrets of the leegime, all the while feigning a compassionate front to trick the feelings of anyone who trust in her(i myself was a victim). This practice has NOT YET been fully eradicated within the lodge). This is exactly why after she has resigned dishonorably from the lodge for so long, her hypocritical and deceitful lapdogs are still comfortably holding employment within the lodge(quoting 《無量壽經》itself(a v important buddhist sutra):「主上不明任用臣下,臣下自在機偽多端」happening right in our buddhist lodge unchecked), with the lodge seeing the unwarranted resignation of not one but TWO righteous senior managers within a year after the resignation of the CEO(the position which is supposed to replace the now-defunct CEO position). This alone clearly exposes the true colors of not only the lodge ex-ceo, but also our pm, that he clearly loves to condemn the just and justify the wicked! Then all the more should ALL Buddhists, not just in Singapore, but all over the world, become fully aware of lhl's true colors also as an icchantika himself.

So how is this Buddhist Lodge matter related to MIW threatening and trying to remove citizens' power? Simple: anyone who wanted to expose this truth was silenced and INTIMIDATED in one way or another(and by the ex-ceo herself when she was in authority, and until now she is still magically free from the need to face any legal consequences), and there is complete coverup by the MSM until 2016 when even then only the partial truth was revealed. Goodness me, people cannot even exercise their human rights and responsible freedom of speech in the Buddhist lodge itself without being implicated? and u still want to call sg a democracy?

Speaking fearlessly in the name of the Triple Gem and the Buddha of Infinite Light


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