Injustice within the lodge and how the cowardly lodge librarian has been mind-controlled by the MIW

"Tolerance of intolerance is cowardice."

I can explain the reason for the deafening silence so far: it can only mean that what I have alleged in all my previous posts here are in fact the irrefutable truth, because giving how these mind-despots are wealthy and powerful enough to possess a retinue of spying eyes using technology or the occult or a mixture of both, to seize the chance to engage in legal suits to salvage their so-called reputation, it is quite IMPOSSIBLE that the current Buddhist Lodge "boss" with the highest legal authority, is unaware of all these posts. So far, there have been no verbal nor written warnings directed against me, just horrendous spiritual warfare, which i use the recitation of the Buddha's name and the Surangama Mantra to protect my shattered soul from. What I can be very sure is this: if the ex-ceo of the Buddhist Lodge were still in power, I will almost certainly receive threats of legal prosecution via verbal warning to my family members.

Q. The ex-ceo of the Buddhist Lodge has already resigned for 1.5 years, and the late president has already passed on for almost 3 years, Buddhists should live and let live, why harp on the matter publicly?

A. 1. Because my rights to earn an honest living is directly threatened as all these injustice and immoralities, and, as long as they are unredressed, affect my mental state and affects my remission and recovery adversely. And due to collective karma, my own rights also happen to represent the collective rights of the honest Singapore citizens here.

2. Because the Buddhist Lodge is being used as a silent political tool in favour of the MIWs, when it is supposed to be apolitical as a non-profit charity, and since this is the case, the public has the right to know.

3. Because the current sworn-in president of the lodge(who is clearly affiliated with the MIWs), via the FRUITS generated this past year, did NOT honour his promise of improving the internal HR of the lodge. At first, he even acknowledged publicly that having just the ex-CEO to formerly call all the shots will inevitably result in a bottleneck, so after her resignation and the removal of the CEO position, he promised to members that the new exco will be more transparent and democratic and will oversee genuine HR revamps and improvements within the lodge. But in the end, the lackeys of the ex-ceo, who understand her immoral secrets, were allowed to remain employed to silently continue the ex-ceo's immoral ways to engage in dishonest practices to deliberately stop the atmosphere of the lodge from reverting into its original serenity, so that all the former devotees who have been silently displaced, could return without any worries. Further, they are still using the name of the late president posthumously, touted by the MSM to possess exemplary conduct and virtue which he did not in truth possess in his heart, in an attempt to gain public attention, with his immoral wrongdoings including verbal abuse against the righteous, and the abuse of authority to justify the misdeeds of the ex-ceo totally covered-up. All these practices mean justifying the wicked and condemning the just, just like when the CEO was still in power, and therefore effecting no real change and lasting improvement in the HR and wasting everyone's time in the end since everything is back to square one, but worse off in essence.

Hereon, I shall give two actual accounts of the actual unjust treatments I have tolerated in the lodge, apart from the 221217 incident when a glass mug was shattered on my head from behind:

1. On 29 Aug 2016, exactly a year after the lodge president's death(when the CEO was still in power), I was a victim of verbal abuse in the lodge library by one of the former regular visitors of the lodge, a PRC old man. He hurled verbal abuse loudly and without stopping in the library, but no one bothered to stop him, as if someone wanted me to be infuriated and hopefully lose control to shout back at him so that the police could be called upon to chase me out of the lodge once again. Through all these, the librarian was totally unable to tell right from wrong and out of fear, chose to believe in the lie that I was the one who caused this ruckus. No police action was taken upon this old man.

2. On 2 Aug 2017, the same old man resorted to physical violence and hit my head against a metal pole near the lifts, scolded vulgarities and walked out unrestrained. This alone can amount to a police case, but those staff who knew that I was hit did not alert the senior manager nor reported to the police, nor even asked a word whether I was all right. Once again, this cowardly librarian was mind-controlled to think that I was at fault again for what happened, and tried to pretend that my being hit was not a serious matter. Even though that old man was not seen in the lodge again, no police action was taken against him despite his unlawful act of violence in view of the lodge CCTVs.

Aren't all these, together with the 221217 incident where my blood was shed, enough to prove that those holding the highest authority in the Buddhist Lodge engages in the practice of justifying the wicked and condemning the just? It is my responsibility as a citizen with basic civil rights to raise awareness of moral corruption of this sort. Think about it, if the MIWs were just, would they have allowed all these to happen by thinking I will just continue to suffer silently?

Since a corrupt tree cannot possibly bear good fruit, why do these hypocrites think that by keeping silent, somehow the truth would vanish and the trust of the devotees and lodge members would still be restored? Even the Diamond Sutra says that
"All conditioned Dharmas
Are like dreams, illusions, bubbles, shadows
Like dew drops, a lightning flash
Contemplate them thus",

so what on earth made these hypocrites trapped in their own greed, have this superstitious mindset that the lhl regime will never fall, so that they are free to continue the moral corruption freely in the Buddhist Lodge as long as the MIWs are still in power? Don't they understand how the law of karma works, that by engaging in such immoral deeds in the name of the Buddha of Infinite Light and Life, instead of successfully hiding the skeletons of the pap, it will simply drag the MIWs down together with them eventually by causing those skeletons to fall out at a much quicker speed than expected?

P.S. The librarian mentioned above belongs to the WORST group of people amongst those brainwashed voters whereby, because they are so cowardly that they allow themselves to be fully indoctrinated by pap propaganda like an "opiate for the masses"-----even if you explain to them the truth, they still wont get it even if you painstakingly explain to them everyday for years. Even if they are able to wake up for a while, after a minute they will fall back asleep again, and when such fools are faced with mishaps or unsmooth events, they will fool themselves and say they "dont know why all these happened", as if they don't need to be responsible for their own attitude and mindset in their daily lives. This librarian has hidden in the Buddhist Lodge precisely in this manner for more than 30 years solely for the sake of cowardly self-preservation, and even though nobody realises it, she is actually the MOST MORALLY CULPABLE person in the world(because she is misusing the name of Amitabha Buddha to RUN AWAY FROM THE TRUTH INSTEAD OF FACING IT, all for the monthly paycheck) whose fear, and her inability to overcome it, has been thoroughly exploited(without her knowledge) all these decades to allow the lhl regime which feeds upon fear to continue thriving and deceiving the masses, by allowing moral corruption and politics of this kind in the Buddhist Lodge to fester unchecked and become more and more serious and blatant as the years passed!

For goodness sake, no genuine Buddhist lives life like this by running away from her own problems in her heart in this TOTALLY IRRESPONSIBLE manner for decades, by subconsciously exchanging the truth for a lie just for that monthly paycheck simply because she is too scared and social phobic to find employment anywhere else, and would rather allow the hypocritical scumbags in the lodge(who serve the MIWs secretly instead of the common good of the people) to silently make use of her cowardice to cunningly and gradually displace genuinely virtuous and moral people from the lodge for selfish motives, than see the truth completely, overcome her faintheartedness and leave the lodge resolutely for good, even though she has more than adequate academic qualifications and work experience to apply for jobs in other libraries!


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