The role of the MSM with regard to the blatant moral corruption in Sg Buddhist Lodge from c2012-2016

By now it should be an open secret to any discerning member of the public w a sound mind in Singapore, that the ruling white party controls the mainstream media to feign a semblance of democracy and responsible free speech. If any news that were to run on the MSM is actual detrimental to the reputation of the ruling establishment(so that their votes in the next GE would be clearly affected adversely), the news will be hidden and any dissenters and potential whistleblowers silenced through intimidation or otherwise. this is their corrupted meaning of "responsible journalism" and "fair and just reporting".

One of those most important hidden news, is the BLATANT inversion of morality and the abuse of power and breach of trust within the Singapore buddhist lodge from around 2012-2016. So if u analyse in retrospect, since msm has remained perfectly silent during this period, u can deduce that the inversion in morality and the resulting silent chaos and mind-intimidation within the buddhist lodge and without, was EXACTLY what lhl wanted. He knows he is exploiting the label of #buddhism to further his selfish political goals, if the newspapers reported the atrocities of the lodge ex-ceo as they were, it will be detrimental to pap's reputation. So they are trying v hard to stop the actual truth from coming to light and I'm trying my best to allow light to shine upon this truth as often as possible to attempt to break the mind-control "spell" upon the people for the cunning miws totally devoid of human shame and conscience to subtly influence and affect their judgement at the polls(as i am v sensitive to psychic warfare, i could feel the kind of influence in action at the polling station i went to during the 2015 GE). I myself was also brainwashed to trust the msm, but my ordeal in the buddhist lodge from august 2013 to Feb 2014 and thereafter, shattered that trust completely and i regard it my responsibility as a lawful citizen with human birth rights, a buddhist who had taken refuge in the Triple Gem since 1991 and committed to protect the right dharma, as well as a rightful lifelong member of the Singapore Buddhist Lodge, to fearlessly reprove the unfruitful works of darkness, including the insidious silent slandering of the Triple Gem, by the impenitent, shameless white officials in singapore indulging in their own superstition and insatiable greed of their love of money, the root of all evil. The awareness of the masses regarding this matter MUST be raised so that any positive change can result in sg's political climate---it is their right to know the truth anyway, why scheme to exploit the name of the Triple Gem to lie to the public and then still want the public's trust to vote for you every GE??

P.s. how did the lodge continue to function after the immoralities and lawlessness of the ex-ceo resulted in the mass exodus of staff and volunteers? Easy, they used money and power to keep up appearances, as well as the faintheartedness of the lodge librarian to intimidate and mind-control her to believe in their lies so that any newcomers in the lodge remain oblivious to what actually happened, turning this cowardly librarian into the MOST morally culpable employee in this nation. This clearly points to a clear breach of trust toward the members of the public, the devotees and those who donate to this charity out of goodwill and the basic trust they have in the buddhist organisations here. All these have NOT yet been accounted to the public to date. They naively think the truth will just disappear as long as they remain silent, and as long as they report only good stuff on the lodge in the papers especially wanbao and zaobao. Really more than meets the eye, dear Singaporeans.

p.p.s. From media reports in 2016, nobody can refute the fact that the ex-ceo of the lodge did engage in nepotism. But what wasn't reported was that she wasn't impartial at all in deciding the salaries of staff there, and loved to play cat and mouse game even on those whom she thinks can make use of to become loyal to her. For instance, remember the newspaper reports that there was a female staff who resigned from her admin position but remained in the exco before the current exco was formed in 2017? back in the beginning of 2014 the ex-ceo even used salary to threaten her, something to the effect that because she didnt perform to her satisfaction, "don't think about getting this months' salary". I'm a buddhist and i don't lie, this is something which actually happened according to what that female ex-colleague told me, if she dares to deny it then clearly she would be giving false witness. So u just think about it, if even this kind of organisation could condone this kind of moral corruption unchecked, and then still allow this ex-ceo to escape all clutches of the law as long as the status quo is unchanged, do u think the present ruling party really cares about income inequality and the voices on the ground? #karma works in inconceivable ways, have ppl started to realise that the more they made use of the MSM to cover up atrocities of this kind in religious organisations, the more their readership kept falling? continue to deny all these allegations or pretend nothing happened and continue your ways la.

Speaking in the name of the Triple Gem and the Buddha of Infinite Light and Life


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