"Because some men aren't looking for anything logical, like money. They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn."


孟子曰:「仁之勝不仁也,猶水勝火。今之為仁者,猶以一杯水救一車薪之火也;不熄則謂之水不勝火。此又與於不仁之甚者也,亦終必亡而已矣 ! 佛教乃救世之仁,佛教居士林本來就該是代表安宅與正路的有道之場,居然蛻變為靜靜懷有「此又與於不仁之甚者也」的不正之見在林內蔓延,還敢宣稱在弘揚護持正法,果真有此罪,大家認為林內明知故犯的不善者得自負的因果能想象嗎?

Next up, i feel that at this point of time, there is a very urgent need to detail and expose the kind of subtle mind-control that the ruling makes use of the mainstream media to gear votes towards them, and, if what i say is true, then there is nothing which can get more despicable, because this makes use of the name of #Buddhism for selfish political motives:

By now, singaporeans who have awakened, should more or less understand the "lky effect" during GE2015. But there is an even more insidious subtle mind-conditioning which made use of an untruth, to exploit the death of another important figure using the mainstream media to subtly influence voters' judgement during the polls---that is the death of the late president of the buddhist lodge. If awakened singaporeans have come to understand that lky was outright wicked because he indulged in the love of money(the "whats wrong w collecting more money"), the root of all evil, then discerning buddhists ought to understand that the late president of the lodge was actually a staunch lky and pap loyalist. How is this related? Simple: Due to his similarly insidious, unkind deeds and words and abuse of authority within the lodge(condemning the just and justifying the wicked, the inversion in morality after the ex-ceo gained authority within the lodge given to her by this late president himself, including the "ceo" title) which was completely covered up by the media, and the mainstream media's attempt to mislead the masses that this late president was a benevolent religious figure of exemplary conduct, WHEN THIS CLEARLY WASNT THE TRUTH.

Those reports that wanted to condition ppl to think that he was probably born in the Amitabha Buddha's Land of Ultimate Bliss due to his outwardly good deeds in the lodge over the decades, was published DURING the GE2015 election period. Actually, this is no issue if the reports were accurate, but as a former staff of the lodge who had worked there and communicated with the late president before, it is VERY clear that he was anything BUT GENUINELY benevolent at heart. Hypocritical with political motives is a better word, because from the FRUITS he had borne, it is clear he did NOT practise what he preached. I know full well the implications of speaking the truth out like this, but i understand EVEN BETTER the implications if i continue to remain silent out of fear and intimidation by the powers that be who want to protect his posthumous reputation at all costs.

Here is the crucial point: If you really believe im generating libel, then im not afraid of legal actions against me, but if im actually speaking the truth to protect the Triple Gem in this world, yet anyone still intends to plan taking legal actions against me, then my final question to them is: do they, and the white officials protecting them, want to bear ALL the karma of their actions themselves just like how i need to bear the full responsibility of what i post here? Do they want to risk this kind of gamble involving life and death with all the Heavens and buddhas watching? 人在做,天在看, right? Please think carefully and discern for yourselves.


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