Moral Integrity of the current resident abbot in the Buddhist Lodge

If what I have detailed about the lodge in my previous posts are all truth instead of libel, then the moral integrity of the present abbot, who conducts classes on Pure Land Buddhism in the lodge, naturally comes to question in everyone's minds. At this point of time, I do not wish to go into detail about this monk, since it is indeed inappropriate to criticize him directly here as I need to take full responsibility for all that I type and post here, but just hope for members of the public to understand clearly that from my accounts in all my previous posts, there are indeed hypocrites within the SBL “big family” silently engaging in the unfruitful works of darkness LINKED TO THE MIWs IN SECRECY, even though there are still a handful of honest gentlemen within the lodge staff and exco community who do not have the final say in decision making and authority over the HR(the outgoing senior executive manager who resigned after February this year, is such a righteous gentleman), and these people will NOT be aware of the sinister reasons behind my assault within the lodge in the morning of 22 December 2017(which, I again emphasise, happened to be EXACTLY 33 years since LHL entered politics). I am disappointed that I am by now left with no choice but to remark that from my experience and observations in the lodge these few years, this abbot, who was a good acquaintance of the late president, does NOT belong to that honest group.

If what I've detailed in all my previous entries are true, then this should not come as a surprise or shock to the reader, because if it were indeed the sinister intentions of the power-hungry MIWs to resort to slander of the Triple Gem of this kind on such a unimaginably despicable scale, to secretly violate the rights and therefore take away the power from the common people by silently planting hypocrites leegally within this prominent Buddhist organisation who are psychicly tuned perfectly to the MIWs' selfish political agenda against the common good of the people unbeknownst to the unsuspecting masses at large, then how can any member of the Sangha, who is genuinely benevolent and wise, with sound moral principles and discernment, possibly tolerate all these atrocities and injustices without finally deciding to leave the lodge for good, but instead continue to 袖手旁觀 and 隔岸觀火, then when newcomers enter the lodge, pretend to them that all these didnt exist?

The reason why I am usually able to discern these hypocrites apart more sharply than normal people, is because my soul is literally shattered to the point that I'm extremely sensitive to psychic and spiritual warfare(like inauspicious chi pretending to be positive energy to the unlearned layman), (and it is not much different from living with a serious left frontal lobe traumatic brain injury which affects my executive functioning and manhood), but I do recite and uphold the Surangama Mantra《楞嚴咒》 to protect myself from spiritual warfare, so, even though I have been literally disturbed and mentally traumatised by such warfare all my life continually to the point that I am unable to function in society like a normal person with a healthy soul, I am still unharmed at present, and have not yet lost my sanity. Learned buddhists will have been taught about the karmic merits of holding this mantra, and how, if someone who has a dishonest and self-righteous heart dares to uphold it, he is basically asking for his own misfortune in time to come. It is as simple as this----either I'm generating libel and courting my own doom, or the moral integrity of that abbot is indeed questionable, to the point that I can no longer remain silent about it, because the public has the right to be aware!

As to why I was born with such a malfunctioning soul despite an honest heart, it is obviously linked to my past life which I have absolutely no memory of(buddhists believe in rebirth, but not the heresy of “reincarnation”, the erroneous belief that there is a permanent soul transmigrating from body to body life after life), but due to the benevolence and immeasurable merits of Amitabha Buddha, the Buddha of Infinite Light and Life, the identity of whom has been hinted at me(after I turned 30) with virtually absolute certainty, but which I shall not and cannot at the moment publicly reveal, UNLESS I become a victim of legal prosecution due to all these expose right here. Because this person in question suffered the most unimaginable injustice in this Dharma-ending age before he died, and also posthumously, but up till now, after almost 36 years, his injustice has NOT YET been redressed by the laws of the world, and his friends are STILL awaiting his justice to be served. The Bible says in Proverbs 28:12 KJV, that “when the wicked rise, a man is hidden”, as much as it is perplexing and impossible for the common mortal to believe, the true identity of this man is indeed very important, with regard to the rise and fall of the LHL administration. If, as a buddhist, I dare to indulge in false, delusional and slanderous speech, I will definitely meet with no good end and descend to hell without hope for release. But if I am indeed speaking the truth with absolute honesty and sincerity, people ought to begin to understand that Heaven indeed has eyes, liked what LTK himself had remarked. Ultimately you reap what you sow, you cannot actually abdicate personal responsibility of your wicked deeds to someone else to suffer the retribution for you, and then still insist you are innocent.

And even though I cannot directly reveal the identity of this man whose posthumous injustice has yet to be redressed, I can still give a clear hint about who he actually is, by quoting this paragraph from《弟子規》(Standards of being a good student and child), something which even the Buddhist Lodge used to propagate and conduct lessons on long ago, but which the hypocrites in the Buddhist Lodge now no longer bother to follow:

同是人 类不齐 流俗众 仁者希
果仁者 人多畏 言不讳 色不媚
能亲仁 无限好 德日进 过日少
不亲仁 无限害 小人进 百事坏

If only people could begin to understand that the human rights of this man in question also represents the rights of all genuine citizens in our nation and beyond, because injustice anywhere is indeed a threat the justice everywhere. Everyone has the SAME rights, the ministers of our country, who are supposed to serve the people, cannot hallucinate that they possess some kind of special rights(i.e. to screw their own citizens up by fattening themselves at their expense with legalized corruption) that the "lesser mortals" do not have.

Speaking fearlessly in the name of the Triple Gem and the Buddha of Infinite Light and Life


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