Woe to the Head of the Buddhist Lodge for silently oppressing honest truthers by using despicable, shameless psychic warfare---YOU GET OUT.

From what had transpired yesterday, I now have ample evidence that you, or at least your lackeys, are silently exploiting the security guard forces(mentally unsound, crude, base and vulgar guard even) to deliberately spy on and frustrate honest dissenters instead of ensuring the actual security of the lodge. Since he is paid to do such immoral things and engage in dishonesty and ill-intent without knowing how to show basic respect to a rightful lodge member once again, this is clear misappropriation of lodge funds. JUST WAIT FOR KARMA TO GET YOU.
What I can be sure is keeping quiet and pretending nothing has happened isn't going to save you. Don't underestimate the power of the internet. When will you ever realise YOU'RE the naive one?


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